The Next Generation of Leaders

By |Published On: June 5, 2012|

This blog is about associations, volunteerism and leadership. We often explore leadership traits, discuss leadership experiences and offer suggestions for working to become better leaders.

We haven’t to date discussed the next generation of leaders.

Every organization, whether an association or a for profit corporation, must address how the next generation of its leaders and customers will interact, will deliver services, and what services those customers will desire.

One resource I have found for information about the next generation of leaders, what they think and why they think it is

Through this site, you can find an interesting blog about the next generation of leaders, customers and employees. This recent blog posting caught my attention:

“Are they Nuts? No, Just Different”

I must admit, if a new employee partner asked if they could have the remainder of their first day off because the weather outside was nice, my reaction probably wouldn’t be as suggested in this blog.  However, I do think the point is well taken – the next generation of employees, customers and yes, leaders, will not have the same desires, work ethic and expectations that you or I do.  That doesn’t make them wrong, just different.

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