Trust is key to success
We’ve always known trust is key to success. At CM Services we have six core values (values we believe allow us to achieve great partnerships with our associations and our employees). The values are:
Be Trustworthy
Commit ourselves to each other, our company and the industries we serve
Act responsibly
Care about others
Grow every day
Have fun
A friend (and association partner Board member) recently sent us the following story by Zig Ziglar. We found it very interesting, and no surprise that the study cited in the story found that people who are trustworthy and kind succeed in life. Hope you enjoy it too.
Several years ago the Forum Corporation of Boston, Massachusetts, conducted a study of two groups of salespeople. They came from five different industries, worked in similar territories selling the same products, and had basically the same experiences and background. However, there was a substantial difference in their results. One group was getting good results and would be labeled “successful” in the terminology we use today. However, the other group was substantially more successful.
There were two major differences. The first difference was the word “trust.” The super-successful had established a reputation for integrity so their prospects and customers trusted them. Since selling is a transference of feeling, the super-successful translated that feeling of trust into more sales. Results were outstanding.
The second difference had to do with the fact that the super-successful were nice people. Despite the image that the J. R. Ewings project on television, the “good guys” and the “good gals” really do win. The J. R. Ewings of life are an aberration and end up being the biggest losers of all. The study revealed that the super-successful dealt with the receptionist at the company in the same pleasant, considerate manner they used with the president of the company. They were as gracious to the administrative staff as they were the corporate executives. This simply illustrates the fact that you can’t be one kind of person and another kind of salesperson. Their “good-guy, good-gal” images came across quite well with their customers and since customers are people, they like to deal with nice people. This really boils down to the fact that you’ve got to “be” before you can “do” and you’ve got to “do” before you can “have.” Each one of us must become the right kind of person in order to do the best job so we can have the things in life we really want. Think about it. Choose to be great by being “nice” and trustworthy, and I’ll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!
– Zig Ziglar