Great Leadership starts with Great Communication
When we think about great leaders we often think about the characteristics they have that make them great. We talk about their values, the way they inspire others, that they lead by example, their vision and more.
What we often overlook is their ability to communicate with ALL their constituents.
I think the single most important trait great leaders share is they are GREAT communicators. They have the ability to connect with people through their communications and get their point across.
Think about great political leaders throughout history. The truly great ones – Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill – all made great speeches we still reference today.
Great leaders of our time – political, corporate, athletic, philanthropic are also great communicators. They make sure the people they are leading know their vision for the future, have the ability to influence it appropriately and buy into it. Then, they keep their constituents “in the loop” through effective and frequent communications.
I think this is key to sustaining their vision and it makes them great leaders.
What do you think about communication and its relationship with great leaders?