Air Distribution Institute
ADI promotes the use of fabricated steel duct pipe and fitting for air distribution systems. ADI’s members include both Manufacturing companies who fabricate steel duct pipe and fittings for both residential and commercial use and Associate companies who provide materials and services to these manufacturers.
Chicago Roofing Contractors Association
CRCA is the leading trade association of roofing and waterproofing contractors in Illinois. CRCA members include Contractors, Manufacturers, Distributors, Manufacturers Representatives, Allied Services Suppliers and Consultants. CRCA Members meet and tackle issues important to the steep and low slope roofing industry and waterproofing industry.
Firestop Contractors International Association
FCIA Contractor, Inspection Agency, Manufacturer, and Associate Company Members protect breaches made in a building’s fire-resistance-rated assemblies with firestop products installed in accordance with a listing and manufacturer’s instructions. FCIA Members work contains fire to the room of origin and is an important part of effective compartmentation.
Illinois GIS Association
The ILGISA is the only statewide organization of GIS/geospatial professionals in Illinois. ILGISA advances the understanding, communication, and effectiveness of geospatial technology, connecting 500+ members working for the government, higher education institutions & private industries.
International Powered Access Federation
The IPAF promotes the safe and effective use of powered access equipment worldwide in the widest sense – by providing technical advice and information; influencing and interpreting legislation and standards; and through safety initiatives and training programs.
National Church Goods Association
NCGA provides a forum for dealers and suppliers of church goods, religious articles, and published materials to effectively, ethically and creatively serve the institutional and retail markets. Established in 1907, the NCGA is one of the oldest practicing associations in existence.
National Church Goods Association Education Foundation
In 2009, the National Church Goods Association’s Educational Foundation in conjunction with the generous support of contributing organizations established a scholarship program consisting of several scholarships to assist deserving students finance their education.
National Fireproofing Contractors Association
NFCA Contractor, Inspection Agency, Manufacturer, and Associate Company Members provide fire-resistance protection to structural steel and concrete. NFCA Member’s work prevents building collapse by limiting temperatures on structural building elements during fire conditions.
Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Association
National organization representing manufacturers of pressure vessels made in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 and Division 2, and suppliers of materials and services to the pressure vessel fabricating industry.
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