How Do Leaders Stay on Top of Their Game?

By |Published On: March 12, 2012|

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably a leader in your business, your association or both. As a leader, how do you stay on top of your game? What techniques do you utilize to remain a good or even great leader? More importantly, what are you doing to become a better leader?

We all need to find ways to continuously improve. Leaders are no different. I recently read a blog about Leadership Development for Leaders.

The author offers six great ideas for leadership continuous improvement.  I’ve got a few additional suggestions:

1.  Read.  I find in just about everything I read there are leadership lessons to be learned.  Whether it’s business books, self-help books or my favorite, non-fiction – especially biographies.

2.  Share/Network.  Talk with your friends about leadership.  Odds are they are in similar positions in their companies.  Find out what they do that works and doesn’t work.

3.  Try new techniques.  Don’t be afraid to try new approaches to leadership.  Emulate something you learned from a friend or read about in a book.

What other ideas do you have to help leaders stay on top of their games?

One Comment

  1. todd johnston March 19, 2012 at 10:42 pm - Reply

    Hi Rick – I like your suggestions – especially the first as it is all too rare that reading – especially reading material that is outside of career or industry related topics – is prioritized. Equally important for leaders, it naturally follows, is to clear space and promote reading among the people they are leading. A well read organization is cannot help but be an advantage to themselves and those they serve.


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